Our new PhD student Zuzka has been awarded the Brno PhD Talent Grant!
Zuzana Krátka, our new PhD student, has succeeded in winning a prestigious grant awarded to PhD students by JCMM in Brno.

Zuzka had already studied in our lab during her master's program, where she learned the basics of virology and worked on the project in the field of antiviral therapy development and testing against the tick-borne encephalitis virus. After successfully completing her master's degree, she decided to continue her studies with us in the PhD program Animal Physiology, Immunology, and Developmental Biology. Under the supervision of doc. Luděk Eyer and prof. Daniel Růžek, Zuzka is preparing to explore a new area: factors influencing the severe course of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). One of these factors might be MMP-9, a protein often detected in patients with severe disease but whose specific role in TBEV infection remains unclear. With her project focusing on MMP-9, Zuzka won a generous scholarship, which will enable her to fully dedicate herself to scientific research and address the challenges of severe TBE cases. As part of the project, she will combine various modern methods, including advanced 3D tissue cultures for in vitro experiments, as well as mouse models for detailed in vivo studies.