Bára and Barča awarded the Dean's Prize for excellent PhD students
Big congrats! This is the BIO of Bára and Barča mentioned during the ceremony:
Barbora Burýšková and Barbora Popelářová have been awarded the Dean's Prize primarily for their shared first authorship of a paper in Nature Communications on the topic of bacterial adaptation. This article is the culmination of five years of work that constitutes one of the first self-sustaining projects of the Microbial Bioengineering Laboratory.
Barbora Burýšková completed a research fellowship at Imperial College London, was a Brno PhD Talent scholar and participated in the final round of the national Falling Walls Lab Czech Republic. She has participated in teaching and furthered her own education in the field of pedagogy. She initiated the modernization of practical teaching in the course Special Methods of Analysis of Microorganisms.
Barbora Popelářová regularly shares her research findings at national and international conferences. Her internship abroad at the Technical University of Denmark resulted in the introduction of several new methods in her home laboratory. She participated in the organization of The Biomania Student Scientific Meeting. The student actively contributes by creating new teaching materials to help students better understand the issues. She regularly participates in faculty promotional and outreach events for the public or applicants.